Forres Mechanics Football Club – Customer Charter
The Customer Charter sets out the commitment of Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited to give our supporters a safe and enjoyable experience of football.
1.1 Ticket Sales
We are committed to providing access to our matches by offering:
- Ample access to games at Mosset Park Stadium for non-season ticket holders. For all-ticket matches, non-season ticket holders will be able to purchase tickets after the initial requirements of season ticket holders have been met.
- A range of season ticket and individual match ticket prices, including concession prices for schoolchildren and senior citizens (over 60).
- Support for disabled customers and their carers. Dedicated, easily accessible areas are available in both home and away stands to disabled/visually impaired supporters and their carers.
- Tickets for Cup competitions priced according to the status of opposition with season ticket holders able to purchase their own seat prior to general sale.
- To abide by the rules and ground regulations of football’s governing bodies regarding the allocation of tickets to visiting clubs.
In the event of a fixture being abandoned before half time, a full refund of the purchase price will be given.
We are committed to ensuring that our supporters are kept informed by:
- Consulting our supporters on a regular basis through meetings and on-going direct communication.
- Communicating changes in policy and business practices via most effective forms of communication – internal and external e.g. customer information packs, match day announcements and e-mail.
- Continuing to develop ways to consult key stakeholders including members, sponsors, local authorities and other interested parties.
- Giving the earliest possible notice of any changes to our ticketing policy.
- Undertaking to keep supporters informed as to fixture changes by providing fixture lists at start of the season, on-going updates through the media, the supporters website and e-mails to season tickets holders and other mailing lists.
We are committed to ensuring that the highest standards of on-site catering are provided by:
- Subcontracting our catering service for both fast food outlets and hospitality. This outsourcing will ensure a fresh approach, quality and service to our consumers.
- Offering a wide range of hospitality products to meet both individual and corporate budgets, with the highest level of quality and service throughout.
We are committed to ensuring that all merchandise sold by the club is of good quality and value for money by:
- Planning for all replica strips to have a lifespan of at least two seasons unless changes are enforced due to contractual obligations.
- Providing early details of the next intended change of both Home and Away strip, including the launch date of each new strip as soon as it is known.
- Offering refunds and exchanges on merchandise beyond our legal obligations.
- Not knowingly purchasing goods or merchandise from any supplier or manufacturer who does not fully comply with the labour, safety and other relevant statutory instruments of the countries of manufacture with regard to age of employees, health and safety of employees, hours of work and minimum wages.
We are committed to providing the highest level of service to our customers by:
- Continually monitoring the service we provide for our supporters.
- Reviewing and changing our processes to achieve the highest possible level of service to all our supporters.
- Treating all our customers in a professional and courteous manner at all times.
- Responding to any contact from a supporter within fourteen working days, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
For further information please write to us at:
Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited
Mosset Park
Lea Road
IV36 1AU
Reviewed June 2024
Review Date June 2025
Forres Mechanics Football Club – Disability Policy
Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited is a member of the Scottish Highland Football League and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability. No applicant or employee shall receive less favourable treatment because of disability.
It is in the interest of Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited and those who work for it to ensure that all available human resource talents and skills are considered when employment opportunities arise. As such Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited is committed to maintaining and managing a diverse work force.
This policy is applicable to all staff, contract workers, spectators and guests of the Club on all premises and places of work occupied by the Club.
The purpose of this policy it to ensure that Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited complies with the Equality Act 2010 and to ensure that disabled people falling within the definition of the Act are treated equally and fairly.
In line with the Equality Act 2010 in this policy:
- DISABILITY refers to a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
- DISABLED PERSON refers to a person with such a disability.
- DISCRIMINATION refers to treating someone with a disability less favourably than he treats others whom have no disability, and that treatment cannot be shown to be justified in relation to the activities or circumstances involved
3.1. It is the Club’s intention to comply with the requirements of Part III (The provision of goods, services and facilities) of the Disability Discrimination Act in that:
- The Club is committed to ensuring that its disabled supporters and customers have as full access as is reasonably possible to all goods, services and facilities provided or offered to the public by the Club.
- The Club recognises that not all of its facilities are fully accessible to disabled customers and confirms that it is committed to making the necessary reasonable adjustments described by the Equality Act and its relevant Codes of Practice to ensure full compliance with the legislation.
- The Club is committed to making the necessary reasonable adjustments described by the Equality Act and its relevant Codes of Practice to ensure full compliance with the legislation.
- The Club will undertake such additional works as are reasonably required within the timescales set out in the Act.
- The Club has a grievance procedure in place and guarantees to its disabled supporters and customers that any complaints of discrimination will be dealt with quickly under that procedure.
- The Club has advised its staff that any incident of discrimination under the provisions of the Act is a serious matter and will be dealt with under the Club’s Disciplinary Procedures.
4.1 When considering persons for employment Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited will not discriminate against a disabled person:
- In the arrangements made for the purpose of determining whom employment should be offered to.
- In the terms under which employment is offered.
- In deliberately refusing to offer or not offering employment to someone based on their disability.
- In the opportunities afforded to a person (i.e. training, promotions or any other work benefit).
- In dismissing someone or subjecting them to any detriment based on their disability.
Reviewed July 2024
Review Date: July 2025
Forres Mechanics Football Club – Unnaceptable Conduct Policy
Along with other Scottish Highland Football League clubs Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited wants to create and promote a positive environment at its matches where both the home and away supporters can enjoy their team’s performance. Forres Mechanics football Club Limited will work on an on-going basis with other Scottish Highland Football League clubs and the relevant agencies to develop and maintain such an environment.
Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited requires that, as far as is reasonably practicable, its players, supporters, officials and any other person connected with the club do not engage in Unacceptable Conduct at a match. This responsibility is not limited to Mosset Park Stadium but extends to Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited matches at any other stadium.
Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited also has a responsibility for, as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that good order and security is maintained at matches played at Mosset Park Stadium. Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited accepts its responsibility and will not tolerate any form of unacceptable conduct.
Policies and procedures are in place to prevent and deal with incidents of Unacceptable Conduct.
2.1 Definitions
Unacceptable Conduct is conduct which is violent and/or disorderly and includes using words, conduct or displaying any writing or other action which indicates support for, or affiliation to, or celebration of, or opposition to an organisation proscribed in terms of the Terrorism Act 2000.
2.2 Violent Conduct includes:
- Any actual, attempted or threatened physical violence against any person/persons
- Intentional damage to property.
Disorderly conduct involves any activity which stirs up or sustains, or is likely, or is intended to stir up or sustain hatred or ill-will against or towards individuals or groups of people.
2.3 Disorderly conduct includes:
Conduct which stirs up or sustains or is likely or is intended to stir up or sustain hatred or ill will towards individuals or groups because of:
- gender, colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origin
- membership of a religious group or of a social or cultural group with perceived or actual religious affiliation
- sexual orientation, transgender identity
- disability
It is an offence punishable by law for any person to enter or attempt to enter the ground:
- Whilst in possession of a controlled container which is or was capable of holding liquid and which if thrown would be capable of causing injury to another person
- Whilst in possession of alcohol
- Whilst drunk
- Whilst in possession of any article or substance whose main purpose is the emission of a flare for purposes of illuminating or signalling or the emission of smoke or visible gas
- Any article which is a firework
All persons entering the ground may be searched by police or stewards
In addition:
- Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct
- Displaying or writing anything which is threatening, abusive or insulting.
All persons who enter Mosset Park Stadium on a match day are covered by these rules including all employees and volunteers of Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited whilst discharging their duties for the Club.
Any supporter who engages in unacceptable conduct will be liable for sanctions imposed by the Club which may involve ejection from the stadium, withdrawal of a season ticket and/or exclusion from future matches involving the Club.
Any official, employee or volunteer of the Club who engages in such activity will be subject to the Club’s internal discipline procedures.
Whilst it is appreciated that behaviour such as that listed above involves the minority
of individuals in our society, Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited wishes to ensure that we continue to maintain the highest standards both on and off the field of play and that the name ‘Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited’ is associated with good and sporting behaviour at all times.
N.B. Smoking in the Stand at the Mosset Park is prohibited.
Reviewed: July 2022 Review Date: July 202
Forres Mechanics Football Club – Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly Conduct means;
(i) Conduct which stirs up or sustains, or is likely or designed to stir up or sustain, hatred or ill will against or towards a group or persons based on their membership or presumed membership of a group defined by reference to a Category or against an individual who is or is presumed to be of the following categories:
- Gender,
- Colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin,
- Membership or presumed membership, of a religious group or of a social or cultural group with perceived religious affiliation,
- Sexual orientation,
- Transgender identity,
- Disability,
by the person or persons engaged in the Conduct to be a member of such group.
(ii) Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct,
(iii) Displaying any writing or other thing which is threatening, abusive or insulting, or
(iv) Using words or conduct or displaying writing or other things which indicates support for, or affiliation to, or celebration of, or opposition to an organisation or group proscribed in terms of the Terrorism Act 2000, and any successive or replacement legislation thereto:
Any Person committing Disorderly conduct and/or any person who assists another or others to commit Disorderly conduct, may be subject to any, or a combination of the following;
- Refusal of entry to the stadium
- Removal from the stadium
- Suspension from attending matches of Forres Mechanics FC
- Indefinite ban from attending matches of Forres Mechanics FC
- Be the subject of a report to Police Scotland and/or any prosecuting authorities which may result in possible criminal proceedings
Reviewed June 2024
Review Date June 2025
Statement by the Chairperson Forres Mechanics FC
At Forres Mechanics FC, nothing is more important than the health and wellbeing of the young people who are involved in our community. Their safety, needs and rights are our first priority.
In order to ensure their safety, meet their needs and respect their rights, we have adopted the Children’s Rights Statement and Child Protection Policy which follow. These provide a robust framework to ensure that all involved at our Club are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.
Words, though, are the easy part.
Every office-holder at our Club will commit and take responsibility to ensure, through word, thought and deed, that these documents are meaningful and that our practice is the best possible. This commitment begins with me as Chairperson and runs right through our Club.
If you have any query about our policies, or see or hear anything which you feel is wrong in relation to child health and wellbeing at the Club, please contact:
- Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer – Tony McCullie on 07771 534408
- or Dave McCartney (Coordinator) on 07484617410,
- or speak to any Coach.
David MacKintosh
David MacKintosh – January 2025
1.1 Overarching Aim
Children flourish because we put their safety, wellbeing, rights and enjoyment at the heart of every level of Scottish football
To make football a safe and fun environment where children’s rights are championed by everyone
1.2 Definitions
Definition of the Club’s Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy includes:
- Introduction — Overarching Aim, Definitions, Children’s Wellbeing in Scotland, Risks to Children’s Wellbeing in Scottish Football, Everyone’s Responsibility and Review
- Policy Statement
- Set the Standards — Behaviours, Expectations and Requirements
- Procedures — Appointment and Selection, Responding to Concerns and Case Review
- All associated Practice Notes
Herein all the documents listed above will be referred to as the ‘Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy’ or ‘this policy’.
Definition of Child
Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that everyone under 18 has the rights set out in the Convention. Within the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, a child is defined as anyone who has not reached the age of 18.1
For the purpose of this policy “children”, “child”, “young person” and “young people” refer to any persons under the age of 18.
The Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy applies to all children and young people regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, nationality, socio-economic status or family circumstance.
1 Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 section 97(1)
Definition of Adult
For the purpose of this policy an “adult” is any individual aged 18 and over or any individual under the age of 18 years old but who is in a ‘position of trust’. For further information on positions of trust see Practice Note – Relationships.
Definition of Child Abuse
Child abuse is the act or omission that harms a child or young person.
An individual may abuse a child or young person directly, or may indirectly be responsible for abuse because they fail to prevent another person from harming that child or young person, or their inaction leads to harm or risk of harm. Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual or by neglect. Abuse can take place in person or online. Although typically thought of as when an adult is mistreating a child or young person, children and young people can also be perpetrators of abuse against other children or young people.
Definition of Safeguarding
Safeguarding is taking action to ensure that all children and young people are safe from harm when involved in football. It means proactively doing everything possible to minimise risk and prevent abuse of children and young people.
Definition of Child Protection
Child protection refers to the actions in response to a specific concern for a child or young person who is at risk or suffering from abuse. Child protection is an essential part of safeguarding if there is a concern that a child or young person is being abused or their safety is compromised.
1.3 Children’s Wellbeing in Scotland
Getting It Right for Every Child
The Scottish Government’s Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is based on children’s rights, and its principles reflect the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The GIRFEC approach is child focused, based on an understanding of the wellbeing of a child or young person in their current situation, and based on tackling needs early in a collective way. As part of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, the concept of wellbeing and the GIRFEC approach is now enshrined in law in Scotland.
The GIRFEC approach supports children and young people so that they can grow up feeling loved, safe and respected, and can realise their full potential. Children and young people should be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included. These are the eight wellbeing factors and are commonly known as SHANARRI Indicators.
A child or young person’s wellbeing is influenced, both positively and negatively, by everything around them and the different experiences and needs they have at different times in their lives. There is no set level of wellbeing that a child or young person should achieve, but each child should be helped to reach their full potential as an individual. The wellbeing indicators make it easier for everyone to be consistent in how they consider the quality of a child or young person’s life at a particular point in time.
By having a universal language and understanding for everyone who works with children and young people, collectively we can contribute to promoting, supporting and safeguarding a child’s wellbeing whether they are in an educational, health, community or sporting setting. It is essential that in Scottish football the wellbeing indicators are understood and if worried that something is impacting a child or young person’s wellbeing, Club members of staff and volunteers know how to respond and with whom to share that information.
Wellbeing Concern
A wellbeing concern is if a child’s wellbeing (measured using the 8 SHANARRI indicators) is, or is at risk of being, adversely affected.
A range of experiences can have a negative impact on children and young people. These can range from harmful or abusive behaviour to a family bereavement or social economic factors, such as poverty. The nature of a wellbeing concern will influence how to support the child or young person.
Behaviour which is abusive or neglectful and is, or is likely to cause harm, will often be referred to as a ‘child protection concern’. Regardless of whether a concern is a wellbeing or child protection concern, it must be responded to in line with the Responding to Concerns Procedure.
1.4 Risks to Children’s Wellbeing in Scottish Football
The protection and wellbeing of all children and young people involved in Scottish football must be a priority for everyone working, volunteering or participating in the game, including spectators. For children and young people involved in football there may be risks associated with their involvement whether it be injury, the despair of their team losing, or exposure to poor practice or abusive behaviour. It is essential that those working or volunteering with children and young people are alert to the associated risks and take steps to prevent, minimise or respond to the risks.
In addition to recognising risks to all children and young people, it is important to understand that some children and young people may be more vulnerable to particular risks associated with taking part in football.
Increased vulnerability
The Club is committed to ensuring the safety of all children and young people in football across all levels of the game. Children and young people who have additional care needs or who come from a minority ethnic group may face a range of additional challenges. Club staff and Volunteers will be encouraged and supported to challenge, and address any behaviour or attitudes which compromise a child or young person’s wellbeing, or acts as a deterrent to the participation of some children and young people.
Children in elite football
For many children and young people it is their dream to play football professionally. When they have the talent, skill and dedication to realise this dream they will pursue it. Unfortunately this can lead to a number of increased risks for children and young people involved in football at an elite level. For example, rivalry among their peers, inappropriate or detrimental relationships with their peers, pressure from their family, friends and the wider public, or, in some cases, exploitation by a trusted adult who can, or who they perceive can, help them ‘achieve’ this dream.
Research by Celia H. Brackenridge in 20104 highlighted the following about the risk to children and young people at an elite level:
- The greatest risk of emotional and sexual abuse occurs among the highest ranked athletes
- Poor practice, emotional abuse and bullying are probably more prevalent in sport than sexual abuse
- Athletes perpetrate more sexual harassment on their peers than coaches
- Athlete-athlete bullying is widespread
- Coach perpetrators are often very highly qualified and very highly respected which acts as a mask for their poor practice and abuse
Children and young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities
The UNCRC sets out the general principle of non-discrimination and that children should be protected from all forms of discrimination. It also states that children have the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, whether or not these are shared by the majority of people in the country where they live3. Unfortunately within wider society and football, discriminatory behaviour still exists therefore children and young people from black and ethnic communities are additionally vulnerable because they may:
- Experience racism and racist attitudes
- Experience people in authority ignoring or not responding to racist abuse or comments
- Experience no action being taken by others for fear of upsetting cultural norms
- Be afraid of further abuse if they challenge others
- Want to fit in and not make a fuss
- Be using or learning English as a second language
Children and young people who are deaf and disabled
In line with Article 23 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), a child with a disability “should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child’s active participation in the community”.
Children and young people who have a disability have the same needs as other children and young people, but may also have additional needs associated with their disability. For example, additional steps may be needed to promote their wellbeing or they may be at an increased risk of abuse due to their vulnerability. Research has shown that children with a mental or physical disability are more likely to be abused than
non-disabled children.2
Children and young people who are deaf, disabled or have a learning disability can be additionally vulnerable because they may:
· Depend on a number of people for care and handling, some of which can be intimate care · Depend on the abuser for their involvement in sport · Fear disclosing abuse · The signs of abuse can be misinterpreted as a symptom of the disability · Have a reduced capacity to resist either verbally or physically · Have significant communication differences — this may include very limited verbal communication, the use of sign language or other forms of non-verbal communication | · Lack a wide network of friends who support and protect them · Lack access to peers to discover what is acceptable behaviour or to understand the inappropriateness of actions · Not be believed due to negative attitudes towards children and young people with disabilities or possible failure to recognise the impact of abuse on children and young people with disabilities |
2 Source: Jones, L et al Prevalence and risk of violence against children with disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies (NSPCC) (2012)
3 Article 30 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
4 Brackenridge, C.H (2010) ‘Myths and evidence — learning from our journey’, keynote address to the conference ‘How Safe is Your Sport’ held at the Excel Sports Centre, Coventry on 25 Feb, hosted by the Coventry Sports Foundation and the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit. Available at
1.5 Everyone’s Responsibility
The responsibility to safeguard, promote, support and protect a child or young person’s wellbeing does not rest on one person. We are all responsible.
Football can contribute in many different ways to a child or young person’s positive wellbeing including health benefits of being active, the achievements they can make in gaining new skills and their experiences of being included and respected as part of a team. Supporting and promoting a child or young person’s wellbeing at all times includes forming positive relationships, understanding their circumstances and responding appropriately to any concerns about their wellbeing. To ensure we can respond when a child or young person needs help or support, we must firstly understand their rights and the meaning of wellbeing. Secondly, we must recognise and acknowledge the risks that exist for children and young people in football and put in place a range of safeguards that minimise these risks. Leadership is essential to ensure that these safeguards are managed and promoted, and this will be done by Club staff and volunteers within particular roles who receive specific training for their level of responsibility. However, everyone must understand the risks associated for children and young people, and the appropriate processes which are in place should a child or young person’s wellbeing be at risk or they are in need for protection.
Everyone has the responsibility to recognise the concern, to ensure the child or young person is safe if they are at risk of immediate harm, and to report the concern to the Child Wellbeing and Protection Department. Thereafter the Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer t can respond appropriately in line with the Responding to Concerns Procedure.
The Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy combined with relevant training, mentoring and support will give us the confidence and support needed to fulfil our role and responsibility to keep children and young people safe in football. In addition to this, advice can be sought at any point from the Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer.
No matter your role or involvement in Scottish football, you have a responsibility to safeguard, promote, support and protect the wellbeing of all children and young people involved in Scottish football. If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of a child or young person or about the conduct of any adult then you must report the matter to Tony McCullie tel. 07771534408; email |
Full information on how to record and report a concern can be found in the Responding to Concerns Procedure.
1.6 Review
The Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy will be regularly reviewed and will include children and young people’s participation and feedback on the content and actual experience of implementation as part of the review.
This policy will be reviewed:
- In accordance with changes in legislation and guidance on children’s wellbeing, protection or rights
- Following the review of an issue or concern raised about the wellbeing or protection of children within the Club, when the case review suggests that this policy should be reviewed
- In all other circumstances, at least every three years.
- Forres Mechanics FC is committed to ensuring that every child who takes part in football, in any capacity, is able to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment, which promotes inclusion and protects them from harm, poor practice, exploitation, bullying or abuse. The Club values a rights-based approach within our sport, and our child wellbeing and protection policy is based on the fundamental rights of children as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
The Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy is based on the following principles:
- We will act in the best interests of children and young people
- The protection and wellbeing of all children in our care is everyone’s responsibility
- A child or young person’s rights, wishes and feelings should be respected and promoted. For example:
- A child or young person, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, socio-economic status, religious belief and/or sexual identity has the right to protection from all forms of harm, abuse and exploitation
- We see the child or young person before the player, coach, volunteer, spectator or referee
- Children and young people have the right to express views on matters that affect them, should they wish to do so, and to have those views taken into account
- Children and young people have the right to relax, play, and join in a wide range of sporting activities
- The best way to promote the wellbeing, health and development of a child or young person is to work in partnership with each other, the child or young person, their parents/carers and other relevant organisations
ACCOUNTABLE We accept responsibility and take ownership of the wellbeing and protection of children in our game. Our collective leadership calls upon integrity, consistency and confidence in our everyday behaviours. | INCLUSIVE Football is for everyone, irrespective of background. We celebrate what makes us unique and embrace our differences. We create a culture where rights are respected and everyone is treated fairly, with dignity and respect. |
OUR VALUES Our values support our efforts to achieve our vision. They set the tone of our work and will be visible in our decisions and actions. All Club members of staff and Volunteers, when working or volunteering with children and young people involved in Club activities, will be… | |
APPROACHABLE We are visible, accessible, open and caring. We build respectful and supportive relationships, listening to children’s voices, and championing their views in everything we do. | EMPOWERING We are forward facing and strive to be the best for children and young people. We are brave, challenging ourselves and others to continually strive for the best outcomes for children and young people. We encourage and support children and young people to express their views. |
Behaviours, Expectations and Requirements
Every member of staff and volunteer at the club will be asked to sign up to the following standards, outlining the behaviours, expectations and requirements of club staff and volunteers working or volunteering with children and young people.
Creating an environment where children and young people are respected, their rights are promoted, and they are supported to have fun, learn, and develop in a safe environment is essential to inspire them to love the game.
To achieve this goal the club expects its staff and volunteers to embody the Wellbeing and Protection Values — Inclusive, Empowering, Approachable and Accountable — to create a positive football environment, and by displaying exemplary behaviour and implementing practices that make football a safe, fun, and positive experience for all children and young people involved.
On and off the pitch, I will: |
• Make football a fun and enjoyable experience where everyone is involved • Always show respect to everyone involved in the game • Encourage children and young people to be respectful to everyone involved in the game • Appreciate the importance of everyone involved in the game • Be proud of being part of the same ‘team’ and encourage others to be proud of their achievements • Be a positive role model by: – leading with enthusiasm and encouragement – never engaging in, or tolerating, offensive, insulting or abusive behaviour whether in person or online – being gracious in victory and defeat – Challenging and reporting behaviour that does not meet the standards expected |
When working with children and young people, I will: |
• Treat all children and young people equally with respect, dignity, honesty, sensitivity and fairness • Promote the best interests of the young person and put their wellbeing before winning or achieving performance goals • Promote and protect the rights of all children and ensure that children and young people are aware of their rights • Never have favourites but praise children and young people that demonstrate commitment, positive attitude and good behaviour • Consult with children and young people allowing them the chance to be heard by having an ‘open door’ approach • Always listen to and act upon any concerns raised by a child or young person • Allow young people the right of being involved in decisions affecting them |
Sign Up
I confirm that I have read and agree to abide by the Club’s Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy including the Policy Statement, Procedures and all associated Practice Notes.
I agree to abide and demonstrate the Club’s Wellbeing and Protection Values.
I understand that a breach of the Club’s Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy will be taken seriously and will be responded to in line with the Responding to Concerns Procedure and, where applicable, the Club’s Disciplinary Procedure.
Name: |
Position: |
Signed: |
Witnessed by: |
Date: |
Reviewed: January 2025 Review Date: January 2026
Please find links below to download additional documentation relating to Forres Mechanics Child Wellbeing & Protection Policy’s.
(Click link to download/open the linked PDF file)
FMFC Child Wellbeing Organisational Chart (PDF)
Part 3 – Set the Standard – Behaviours, Expectations & Requirements (PDF)
Part 4 – Procedures – Appointment & Selection, Responding to Concerns & Case Review (PDF)
Part 6 – Concern Recording Form (PDF)
Part 7 – Responding to Concerns Flowchart – Role of the CWPO (PDF)
Part 8 – Responding to Concerns Flowchart – Guide for Staff & Volunteers (PDF)
Forres Mechanics Football Club – Health and Safety Policy
Serial | Section 1 – General Policy | Page
– | Policy Statement | 4 |
1 | Health & Safety Responsibilities | 5-6 |
2 | Accidents and Incidents | 6 |
3 | Advice and Information | 6-7 |
4 | Training | 7 |
5 | Hazards | 7 |
6 | Housekeeping and Premises | 8 |
7 | Visitors and contractors | 8 |
8 | Electricity at Work | 8 |
9 | Consultation with employees | 9 |
10 | Review | 9 |
Section2 – Safety Arrangements
| ||
SA01 | Fire | 10-11 |
SA02 | Club Safety Rules | 11-12 |
SA03 | Spectator Safety | 12-13 |
SA04 | General Safety Procedures and Records | 14 |
SA05 | Contingency and Emergency Planning | 15-16 |
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places an obligation on all employers to make every reasonable effort to ensure the health and safety at work of all their employees.
Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited also has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure the health and safety of spectators or any other members of the public visiting the club for any reason.
It is the policy of Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited to attach the greatest importance to all matters pertaining to the health, safety and welfare of all employees, visitors, and spectators.
Management and employees must abode by this policy and consistently take positive action to prevent all types of accidents. Your health and safety are my concern, as well as your won. By working together we should be able to achieve and maintain the stated aims and objectives in this policy.
The policy will be kept up to date, particularly if the business changes in nature or size.
This policy and supporting documents, including those in Section 2 (Safety arrangements) will be reviewed at least annually by a competent person.
Signed : DAVID MAKINTOSH Chairman
Date : _____July 2024_______________________
The Chairman, David Mackintosh shall be ultimately responsible for the adequacy and efficiency of all Health and Safety arrangements on behalf of Forres Mechanics Football Club Limited hereinafter called ‘the Club’. In the absence of the Chairman the responsibility is delegated to George Alexander, Vice Chairman.
1.2 General Responsibilities – Club Management
The general responsibilities of the Club management are to:
- Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions on the premises and to treat current Health & Safety legislation as the minimum requirement against which standards will be set.
- Ensure that all employees receive adequate safety training as part of the standard induction procedure together with any appropriate special training.
- Produce all relevant information on safe operating procedures. This information will include any relevant Risk and COSHH Assessments.
- Supply to all employees all the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) required under the current legislation. No charge will be made to the employees for the provision of such PPE.
- Promote regular safety inspections and ensure that any equipment requiring a mandatory inspection (such as electrical and gas appliances) is so inspected and that records of the inspections are kept.
- Set an example in safe behaviour and safe working practices.
1.3 General Responsibilities – Club Employees
The general responsibilities of employees of the Club are to:
- Work safely at all times and to adhere to the established safe operating procedures laid down by management.
- Co-operate with the Club and help it meet their statutory requirements.
- Liaise with management on all aspects of health, safety and welfare at work.
- Wear protective equipment where necessary and utilise all safety devices if fitted to appliances or equipment. Not to interfere with or misuse such safety devices as this is a breach of Health & Safety legislation and as such a breach of the terms of employment.
- Report all accidents – those involving injury to persons, damage to equipment or near misses – to management as soon as possible so that effective action may be taken to prevent recurrence.
- Adhere to Club procedures for securing a safe workplace.
- Co-operate in the investigation of accidents or abnormal occurrences and help management implement any measures necessary to prevent recurrences of such incidents.
1.4 Employees Statutory Responsibilities
In addition to the general responsibilities specified above, Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act state the following statutory duties of employees:
It shall be the duty of every employee while at work:
- “To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work”.
- “As regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with”.
- “Duty not to interfere with or misuse things provided pursuant to certain provisions”:
- “No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions”.
All accidents, near misses and incidents shall be reported through George Sewell, Safety Officer without undue delay to investigate such circumstances to help prevent recurrence.
2.1 First Aid Boxes and Accident Book
First aid boxes are in the Office and Members’ Lounge and shall be regularly checked and replenished as necessary by office staff. The accident book for the Club is held in the Office.
2.2 Reporting
Any employee of the Club who has an accident while at work shall be responsible for ensuring that the details of the accident are entered in the accident book by George Sewell, Safety Officer.
George Sewell, Safety Officer will also be responsible for entering in the accident book, any accident or injury to a spectator.
In the event of a notifiable injury i.e. a ‘major injury’ (as described in HSE leaflet INDG43) or one where the employee is off work for more than seven consecutive days or an injured member of the public is taken to hospital for treatment, the company must inform the HSE. In addition the club must report any dangerous occurrences or occupational diseases as described in HSE leaflet INDG453. The club must complete form F2508 and send to the HSE within 15 days of the accident or incident above. This can be done by done online through
Information regarding health and safety issues may be obtained from:
Development Services
Environmental Services Department
The Moray Council
Council Office
High Street
IV30 1BX
Tel: 01343 563085
The Employment Medical Advisory Service is located at:
HSE Field Operations Division
Lord Cullen House
Fraser Place
AB25 3UB
Tel: 01224 252500
4.1 General
The Club recognises that safety training is an integral part of its overall Safety Policy. No person shall be employed on any work involving any foreseeable, significant risk unless he or she has received adequate training. Personnel will also be trained to recognise the hazards involved and the precautions to be taken to reduce the risks to an acceptable degree.
4.2 Induction Training
All new employees will attend a safety induction period on the first day of employment. Induction training will include detailed information relevant to the employers and employees statutory duties under the various Acts. Also included will be fire prevention techniques, accident reporting and emergency procedures, together with information on any hazard specific to the work they will be asked to perform.
4.3 Specific Safety Training
Management will receive any necessary training in health and safety to enable them to effectively control the areas for which they are responsible.
Only experienced employees will conduct the necessary ‘on the job’ training of new employees.
5.1 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
A register of substances hazardous to health, as required by the COSHH Regulations 2002, will be compiled, and kept in the Office. All substances on this list will be used only in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions and any personal protective equipment deemed necessary shall be provided and must be used correctly.
5.2 Risk Assessments
All significant hazards shall be subject to formal, documented risk assessment. A risk assessment register shall be maintained and held for reference in the Office. Risk assessments shall be briefed to all personnel exposed to the hazards identified.
6.1 General
It is the policy of the Club to maintain its premises to a high standard to help ensure the safety of staff, visitors and spectators. To assist in this endeavour, all staff are required to comply with the following:
- All work areas shall be kept as tidy as possible by individuals.
- All materials shall be stored safely and returned to storage after use. Any excess material shall be returned to storage as soon as practicable.
- All walkways, doorways, and means of escape must be always kept clear of obstructions.
- All equipment shall be visually inspected before each use. The management shall be informed immediately of any defects and the defective equipment shall either be repaired or replaced.
- In all cases good working practices shall be employed to ensure that safety is of the highest standard possible.
7.1 General
Particular attention must be paid to the safety of members of the public (non-spectators) visiting the premises and any sub-contractors working on site.
7.2 Contractors
Contractors employed to carry out work on the Club premises must conduct their work safely and in accordance with the legal requirements placed upon them as providers of services. Additionally they must comply with any in-house rules and procedures specified by the Club management.
8.1 General
Only qualified electricians shall be permitted to carry out significant repairs to electrical equipment. A person trained to be competent by the management may carry out minor repairs such as replacing a plug or replacing an easily accessible light bulb.
8.2 Pre-Use Checks
Before any piece of electrical equipment is plugged in and switched on, the equipment, cable and plug will be visually examined to ensure that there is no damage to the appliance and that the outer insulation of the power cable is intact and the connections are sound.
8.3 Routine Inspections
A local electrical contractor shall carry out routine inspections of all portable electrical appliances. Such inspections shall be documented with records kept and reviewed by management as required.
9.1 General
It is a requirement under the Health & Safety at Work that an employer shall consult with the employees particularly regarding safety issues. The Club safety officer shall consult with employees on matters relating to Health and Safety.
9.2 Employee Concerns
Employees concerns regarding Health and Safety issues, or any other legitimate concerns may communicate these issues to the Club management at any time.
This safety policy and all supporting documents will be reviewed at least annually or earlier if the management of the Club establish that legislation, working practices or the working environment has significantly changed.
1.0 General
It is the policy of the Club to minimise the risk of outbreak of fire and, in the event of a fire, to reduce the risk of injury to persons and to limit the damage to property. The principal way this may be affected is by the training of personnel in the precautions required to limit the risk of outbreak of fire and the actions to be taken in the event of an outbreak of fire.
2.0 Specific Training
All employees shall undergo training in the following areas:
- Types and uses of fire extinguishers.
- General fire prevention measures.
- Actions to be taken in the event of fire.
3.0 Action on Discovery of a Fire
In the event of an outbreak of fire the person discovering the fire shall carry out the following actions:
- Raise the alarm.
- Contact the emergency services by dialling 999 and alerting all other personnel of the situation.
- Evacuate the premises and report to the Assembly Point
Only if it is safe to do so and you are trained and confident may a fire be tackled with portable firefighting equipment.
On hearing the fire alarm employees shall switch off all electrical and gas appliances in use and leave the premises from the nearest fire escape door.
The management shall ensure that all employees, members of the public and any sub-contractors working on site are evacuated and guided to the Assembly Point (the centre spot on the pitch).
4.0 Fire Safety
4.1 General
All employees shall be responsible for ensuring that all fire escapes, corridors, and doors are kept clear of obstructions at all times.
Fire extinguishers shall be located within the stand enclosure with escape routes and exits clearly marked. A fire risk assessment shall be carried out with the results fully documented.
4.2 Fire Prevention
To minimise the possibility of fire, the following actions and procedures shall be implemented by all employees:
- Keep combustible materials away from sources of heat and ignition.
- Keep storeroom doors locked when not in use.
- Store rubbish or other combustible materials carefully and never allow these to accumulate. Wherever possible, store in metal or non-combustible containers. Small batteries should be stored in a metal box and disposed of in an appropriate manner.
- Hazardous/flammable substances – Wherever possible, dispose of or replace whatever constitutes the risk with a safer product e.g. use a less flammable material.
- Check all electrical equipment regularly to ensure that flexible cables are not damaged in any way.
- All heating appliances whether gas or electric must be fitted with a proper guard.
- Never place any form of portable heating appliance in corridors that form part of a fire escape route.
- Do not alter the fabric of a building or in any way substantially alter its use without first obtaining proper advice and permission. This is particularly relevant to routes that are used as means of fire escape.
To prevent the spread of fire all doors should be closed at the end of the working day.
A competent external supplier will be appointed to service fire appliances on an annual basis. The results of all checks and tests will be recorded in a Fire Log Book.
4.3 Smoking
Smoking is not permitted other than in a designated smoking area in accordance with national legislation and Club procedures. All smoking debris must be extinguished and deposited into the bins provided.
1.0 General
To enable the Club to meet its legal responsibilities, it is a condition of employment that employees make themselves aware of the Club Health & Safety Policy and, in addition, comply with the following Health and Safety requirements.
1.1 Requirements
Reporting for work under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed/controlled drugs, or the consumption or taking of either whilst at work, will be classed as gross misconduct and could result in the termination of employment.
All accidents, injuries and abnormal occurrences must be reported immediately to the management for recording in the accident book.
Any defective equipment must be taken out of use immediately. The fault on the equipment should be reported immediately to the management.
Only qualified maintenance personnel shall remove machine guards where fitted to equipment. Under normal operations, machine guards must never be removed.
Horseplay is strictly prohibited.
Protective clothing shall always be worn as appropriate for the task.
1.0 General Event Safety
The Club, through the Safety Officer, the committee and all staff will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of those attending events within Mosset Park and the social club facilities. The Club shall ensure that safe procedures are followed for the safe admission, accommodation and exit of spectators and patrons. The Club shall undertake and maintain a process of risk assessment as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 and will have due regard to the assessment(s) when formulating and updating this policy.
2.0 Responsibilities
Person with overall safety responsibility shall be David Macdonald, Chairman
Safety Officer is George Sewell
3.0 Communication and Monitoring
Each member of staff will be advised of the policy of the club regarding the safety of spectators. All staff and Board members engaged on match day duties will be provided with more detailed information relating to their duties. The Board will receive annual reports on the operation and implementation of the policy.
4.0 Review
This policy will be reviewed and amended as appropriate, following any incident involving spectators, in the light of findings of investigations. Likewise, if changes to operations or facilities lead to significant changes in working practices, the policy will come under review and amendment as necessary.
5.0 Spectator Management
5.1 Segregation
Segregation will be implemented as and when deemed necessary. When segregation is implemented, arrangements shall be made to ensure amenities for spectators such as toilets and refreshment facilities are available for spectators in the segregated area. Segregated turnstiles and entry/exit points will be in place. When spectator segregation is in place, arrangements will be made, in consultation with the Police, for segregated on street parking adjacent to the ground.
5.2 Entry of Spectators
Spectators will be admitted to the ground in an orderly, safe manner through turnstiles with stewards/club officials in attendance, as deemed appropriate, to ensure the safety of spectators.
People who are clearly under the influence of drink or are in possession of unauthorised objects (including drink cans) shall not be allowed into the ground.
The club will ensure that an effective system for counting spectators as they enter the ground is in place so that club officials can readily ascertain the number of spectators in the ground at any time.
If necessary, appropriate information can be relayed to spectators over the P.A. system which can be heard in all areas of the ground.
Should the club be involved in a Scottish Cup Tie or matches that may exceed the ground capacity set by The Moray Council, the club will liaise with The Moray Council and Police Scotland for guidance.
5.3 Management of Spectators in the Ground
Club officials will monitor the safety of spectators in the ground, as appropriate, and report any potential problems to David Macdonald or George Alexander. Board members will be responsible for ensuring that the “No Smoking” policy, for the stand, is rigorously implemented. The P.A. system will be used to relay safety related information to spectators. Spectators can enter the grandstand from either end, but stewards will ensure access/ exit walkways are kept clear. Appropriate signage will be in place to inform spectators.
All raised steps/uneven areas on spectator walkways will be highlighted with high visibility markings.
5.4 Exit of Spectators
Spectators shall be permitted to leave the ground at appropriate exits. Club officials will ensure that exit gates are opened before the end of the game and that spectators leave in an orderly manner, with consideration given to children and disabled persons. Exits and emergency escape routes will be clearly always marked and kept clear of obstructions.
5.5 Disabled Persons
Suitable accommodation is in place for disabled persons within the ground and they will be assisted to this designated area, or to another area if they wish, by steward or Board members as appropriate. Club officials will assist disabled persons to enter or leave the ground if such assistance is required. Likewise they will ensure disabled persons can safely access amenities e.g. toilets: refreshment facilities.
6.0 Review
This policy will be reviewed and amended as appropriate, following any incident involving spectators, in the light of findings of investigations. Likewise, if changes to operations or facilities lead to significant changes in working practices, the policy will come under review and amendment as necessary.
1.0 Inspections
The Club objective is that spectators can attend Mosset Park in the knowledge that they are in a safe environment and to ensure that the club achieves these objective certain periodic checks will be carried out.
1.1 Periodic Inspections
General annual inspections will cover the following areas:
- Exits to ensure that there are no trip hazards and surfaces are not slippery,
- Signage, turnstiles, combustible and/or flammable materials, fire fighting equipment as appropriate is in place and serviceable.
- Fire fighting equipment, which will be located at the stand, will come under the same inspection regime applied to the social club premises.
- The emergency lighting will be tested with a 1 hour endurance test every six months and a three hour endurance test once a year.
2.0 Communications with the Public
Matters relating to the safety policy will be relayed to the public as appropriate, through the P.A. system. In the event of the normal P.A. system failing club officials will advise the public.
3.0 First Aid/Medical Provision
The required number of personnel with appropriate training will be available on match days in accordance with the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds. A designated first aid room is provided housing basic First Aid equipment to compliment the equipment carried by the trained first aiders on match days.
The club shall follow guidance by Karen Birse, Area Service Manager, Scottish Ambulance Service, Elgin, as detailed in her Medical & First Aid Risk Assessment.
4.0 Maintenance of Records
The Club is required to compile and retain records for both legal and administrative reasons. The following, non-exhaustive list specifies documents for retention:
- First aid and medical treatment provided during or in connection with a specified event
- Pre-match inspection
- Inspection and testing of fire fighting equipment, and annual certificate of inspection
- Inspection and testing of emergency lighting
- Testing of PA equipment
- Defects Log Book of any defect relating to the safety of the ground, however discovered, together with a record of when defect was remedied. This should also be recorded in the Health and Safety section of Board meeting minutes.
- Load testing on hand rails and barriers
- Inspection of electrical equipment
1.0 General
The club has drawn up a Contingency Plan to deal with emergencies and incidents which might occur during a match or when spectators are queuing to enter the ground. Controlled copies of the Contingency Plan are circulated to the safety personnel, club management and emergency services.
The Board, together with the safety advisor will annually review the Plan and revise it in the light of expertise and in consultation with the Emergency Services.
1.1 Delayed Start to Match
If for any reason the start of a match is to be delayed, the spectators will be kept informed of the situation over the P.A. system or by club officials as appropriate.
If substantial numbers of spectators are still awaiting admission at the turnstiles when the match is due to start this may warrant a delayed kick off. Such a decision would be made by the match officials in discussion with club officials or the police if appropriate
Spectators awaiting entry will be kept informed of what is always happening via the P.A. system or directly by club officials.
1.2 Late Postponement or Match Abandoned
If a decision to postpone a match is taken just before kick-off time when spectators are queuing to get into the ground or if a match is abandoned, the spectators will be kept fully informed via the P.A. system or directly by club officials. This information will include details of any refunds or issue of vouchers in strict accordance with the SFA document “Ground Regulations”.
2.0 Crowd Control
If a situation arises involving unruly crowd behaviour which may lead to surging, crushing or pitch invasion, the club officials, will attempt to resolve the situation. If this is impossible the police will be notified immediately by David Macdonald or another senior club official.
3.0 Power Cuts
If a power cut occurs during a floodlit match, and the referee decides to abandon the game, spectators will be kept informed by club officials. Club officials will ensure that spectators leave the ground safely, with disabled spectators getting assistance as required.
4.0 Fire
Various measures to mitigate this risk have been put in place (refer to SA01), but in the event of a fire in the stand the following steps will be taken.
- As soon as a club official is aware of fire in the stand, spectators will be informed immediately by an appropriate method to leave the stand at the nearest exit.
- Club officials will ensure that all spectators exit the stand safely
- Depending on the extent and ferocity of the fire club officials will attempt to fight the fire with the fire extinguishers which are located at the stand without placing themselves or others in danger.
- If it is clear that this is impossible the fire service will be called immediately. Responsibility for contacting the fire service rests with the Safety Officer the Chairman or other senior club official.
5.0 Emergency Evacuation
If an emergency evacuation of the ground is required club officials shall ensure that spectators get out of the ground safely at the nearest exit. In such evacuations club officials shall ensure all disabled spectators make a safe exit from the ground, offering whatever assistance is required.
5.1 Players and Match Officials
Players and officials shall be instructed to congregate in the centre circle until the situation can be assessed to see if it is safe to return to the dressing rooms. If not, they shall leave the ground at an appropriate exit.
Reviewed: July 2024 Review Date: July 2025
Forres Mechanics Football Club – Equality Policy
- Policy Statement
The Forres Mechanics Chairman will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Forres Mechanics Football Club Equality Policy. He will have overall responsibility for overseeing the delivery of the Equality Action Plan and the overall progress of Equality within the Forres Mechanics Structures.
Forres Mechanics FC endorses the principle of Equality and is committed to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved with Forres Mechanics FC , regardless of their role, current or potential:
- have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, regardless of their age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation; and
- can be assured of an environment in which their rights and dignity and individual worth are respected and valued, and in particular that they are able to be involved and participate without the threat of discrimination, intimidation, victimisation, bullying, harassment or abuse.
This Policy has the following objectives:
- To promote fair and equitable treatment for everyone involved with Forres Mechanics FC, in whatever capacity.
- To ensure that no one working for, wishing to work for or working on behalf of Forres Mechanics FC receives less favourable treatment on the grounds set out in 1.
- To adopt a planned approach (strategically and operationally) to eliminating perceived barriers which discriminate against or exclude particular groups.
- To give clear guidance and communication to all individuals who, either administer an area of Forres Mechanics or work for Forres Mechanics on its commitment to Equality.
- To ensure that the content of policies, procedures, competitions, regulations (where applicable) and assessments provides equal opportunity for all except where specific situations or conditions properly or reasonably prevent this.
- To adopt systems and procedures which ensure all materials prepared, produced or distributed on behalf of Forres Mechanics FC and all relevant public statements made on behalf of Forres Mechanics FC reflect its commitment to equality and inclusion.
- Scope
3.1 This Policy applies to all current and potential employees (temporary), workers, Directors, Co-optees, consultants, agents, sub-contractors, volunteers, and any other person providing services on behalf of Forres Mechanics FC (“associated persons”).
3.2 The Policy extends to all activities of Forres Mechanics FC.
4.1 Forres Mechanics FC is committed to remove and eliminate any direct or indirect discrimination of any form or kind within Forres Mechanics FC structures, and will under no circumstances condone unlawful discriminatory practices. The organisation takes a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying. Examples of the relevant legislation and the behaviours in question are given in Appendix A.
- Positive Action
5.1 The principle of Equality goes further than simply complying with legislation. It entails taking positive steps to counteract the effects of barriers – whether real or perceived – that restrict the opportunity for all to participate equally and fully.
5.2 Forres Mechanics FC will therefore seek to institute, support or contribute to appropriate measures or initiatives that enable access to Forres Mechanics FC and participation in associated activities by people from any group that is under-represented or has difficulty accessing it.
5.3 Forres Mechanics FC will furthermore seek to apply employment practices in general, and recruitment and selection practices more specifically, which encourage and support people with protected characteristics to gain access to work or training.
- Reasonable adjustments
6.1 Forres Mechanics FC recognises that it has a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled persons.
6.2 The duty to make reasonable adjustments may include the removal, adaptation or alteration of physical features, if these make it impossible or unreasonably difficult for disabled people to carry out their role. It may also include making changes to working arrangements.
6.3 Forres Mechanics FC will consider all requests for adjustments and where possible will accommodate any reasonable requests. Where appropriate, advice may be sought from specialist agencies.
- Implementation
7.1 To achieve these objectives, Forres Mechanics FC is committed to promote and advance equal opportunity through Forres Mechanics FC structures which will cover all areas of our organisation. The Chairman is ultimately responsible for implementing the Policy.
7.2 The following steps will be taken to publicise this policy and promote Equality within Forres Mechanics FC:
- A copy of this Policy will be published on Forres Mechanics FC website.
- The Board will take full account of the Policy in arriving at all decisions in relation to activities of Forres Mechanics FC.
- Forres Mechanics FC will collaborate fully with any practical surveys or other initiatives designed to assess the level of participation of different sections of the community in football and will take account of the findings in developing measures to promote and enhance Equality.
- Forres Mechanics FC will provide access to training for all of its Board Members and staff to raise awareness of both collective and individual responsibilities.
- Responsibilities
8.1 The Forres Mechanics Board/Committee and Chairman are publicly accountable for Equality and will receive regular updates on the Forres Mechanics Football Club activities and the implementation of the Equality Policy from a member of staff/board member. It is the role of the Board and CEO to address any actual or potential breaches of the policy.
8.2 The Board will review all Forres Mechanics FC activities and initiatives against the aims of the policy on an annual basis, and will report on developments and highlights.
8.3 The Board, or where appropriate a designated project leader, will review any measures or initiatives that Forres Mechanics FC may institute or take part in to promote and enhance equality.
9.1 Forres Mechanics FC reserves the right to audit compliance with the policy from time to time. If you are an employee, a worker or casual staff and misconduct is discovered as a result of any investigation under this policy the Forres Mechanics FC disciplinary procedures will be used in addition to any appropriate external measures. Disciplinary action may ultimately lead to dismissal.
Appendix A – Legal Notes
Discrimination has been legally defined through a series of legislative acts, including the Race Relations Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the Equality Act 2006. In April 2010, the Equality Act 2010 received Royal Assent. The Equality Act 2010 is a new law which harmonises where possible, and in some cases extends, protection from discrimination. It applies throughout the UK and came into force in October 2010.
Discrimination refers to unfavourable treatment on the basis of particular characteristics, which are known as the ‘protected characteristics’. Under the Equality Act 2010, the protected characteristics are defined as age (employment only until 2012), disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status (employment only), pregnancy and maternity, race (which includes ethnic or national origin, colour or nationality), religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation.
Under the Equality Act 2010, individuals are protected from discrimination ‘on grounds of’ a protected characteristic[1]. This means that individuals will be protected if they have a characteristic, are assumed to have it, associate with someone who has it or with someone who is assumed to have it.
Forms of discrimination and discriminatory behaviour include the following:
Direct discrimination
Direct discrimination can be described as less favourable treatment on the grounds of one of the protected characteristics.
Indirect discrimination
Indirect discrimination occurs when a provision, criterion or practice is applied to an individual or group that would put persons of a particular characteristic at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons.
Discrimination arising from disability
When a disabled person is treated unfavourably because of something connected with their disability and this unfavourable treatment cannot be justified, this is unlawful. This type of discrimination only relates to disability.
Harassment is defined as unwanted conduct relating to a protected characteristic that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or which creates an intimidating or hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person.
It is unlawful to treat a person less favourably because he or she has made allegations or brought proceedings under the anti-discrimination legislation, or because they have helped another person to do so. To do so could constitute victimisation.
Bullying is defined as a form of personal harassment involving the misuse of power, influence or position to persistently criticise, humiliate or undermine an individual.
[1] The exception to this is pregnancy and maternity, which does not include protection by association or assumption – a woman is only protected from discrimination on grounds of her own pregnancy.
Reviewed July 2024
Review Date July 2025